Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here? Yup I am making a reference to one of the more memorable songs from the musical episode of Buffy, "Once More with Feeling" and no I don't feel all too embarrassed about that. The ending of that episode represented a pivotal point for all of the characters. By asking themselves this very question we were left with each of them grappling with their own personal demons that were brought about by a real life musical loving one. And to be honest it seems that is much of what is going on in the wide world today. More so than ever before our species is facing a crisis of values both of which will radically change everything we have ever known.

Take for example the rise of climate denial and support of corporate environmental destruction in resistance to the new environmental and Occupy movements. In his recent article in the Washington Post Michael Gerson raises the troubling issue of Newt Gingrich's shifting stance on the environmental policy. In 2008 this happened:

But now Newt has completely reversed his stance on Global Warming in part to pander to the religious right and conservatives who view climate change policy as, according to Mr. Gerson , part of the liberal agenda to undermine national sovereignty. And while this is troubling for the most part, the most interesting item in the article was the simple fact that whether we deny it or not the world is already changing rapidly. In other words the Polar Bears (and the Federated States of Micronesia) are drowning  and all we can do at this point is act to make our children's future less shitty than it is already destined to be. Which returns us to the question posed. Where do we go from here? 

they really do
My response (and to those who know me this should not be a surprise) would be to point to the resistance, based in the discussion between religion and place, that is emerging around the world. Be it interfaith groups in the Appalachian Mountains praying for forty days nonstop against mountaintop removal as a symbolic protest about the systematic genocide of the people of that region caused by Mountain Top Removal, religious leaders in New York leading campaigns against fracking, or Canadian First Nations battling against TransCanada to save their place from the literal cancer spreading from the tar sands extraction, actions to save the earth for the seventh generation are going on everywhere. 

This new combined strike back against environmental destruction is not entirely surprising considering many of their aims are similar. However one thing I did find surprising when scanning some of my news sources this week is how I never hear stories like this from countries like China or Korea. And while there were some very inspiring stories about the religious response to the ongoing Fukushima disaster that came out of Japan I can think of and find very little environmental news coming out of that region of the world, excepting the big splash that came about when it was revealed that China is better at being a green economy then US (which I find infinitely amusing).

The New Incontinent Truth
So I guess that about wraps it up for tonight! So tune in next time for the next wonderfully exciting episode of The Gods Talks where hopefully I'll be discussing things that have to do Korea's March 1st Movement

"The day you set out what you want they'll probably throw a parade"

You thought the song wasn't going to make it in? You're silly                

Today's Mentioned Articles: 

Climate and The Culture War by Michael Gerson:

Tennessee Interfaith Group Prays to Stop Mountaintop Removal by Casey Schoeneberger:

New York Faith Leaders Lobby Against Dangerous Hydrofracking in Their Community by Dan Nejfelt:

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