Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Dragon at Midnight

Happy New Year! Again!

That's right folks although the first round of holidays is over for this season we have just entered the second wave of new years. Earlier this week China, South Korea, and other portions of the world influenced by Chinese culture roared in the year of the Dragon, which is a most auspicious year indeed.

In fact so much so that everyone throughout this region is trying have as many babies as possible and several of the governments are encouraging them to do so. Take Singapore for example the PM Lee Hsien Loong said, and I quote, "I fervently hope that this year will be a big Dragon Year for babies... This is critical to preserve a Singapore core in our society,"
The family with the most will be able to associate with
in public for a year with out being imprisoned 
And for those of you who find the encouragement of reproduction a silly purusit because the world is going to end on December 21st worry not because some Chinese geomancers are convinced that shits going to get real this year to. To the point that one predicted that some government officials would be stepping down...I can just smell a who new dimension of time wave zero conspiracy theories brewing as I write this.
I really hate that man
So what does this have to do with religion? Well everything really. Unlike here in the United States where we have completely commercialized our New Years celebrations there is still an element of the religious that permeates the other new year celebrations that are sprinkled through out the year from the Four Jewish New Years (one of which is coming up in two weeks) to the Chinese Lunar New Year. And while many of these celebrations have been changed to fit out more materialist mind set (many Chinese took the day off to go shopping in Japan) it is interesting to notice the difference in tone between the contexts of various new year celebrations. The fact that multiple major governments are bracing for a baby boom year because of the ascendance of the Dragon is evidence enough of this. But what is ever more interesting in my opinion is the vary same conspiracy theory i just bashed. While I might disagree with the western doom profits who combine things like the I-Ching and the Mayan calander and declare that the end is nigh in December, I would like to point out that its rather interesting that many people are proclaiming the importance of this year. And I think I agree with that. From the social uprisings all around to the continuing police brutality in Oakland
the effects of 2011 are still panning out in an unpredictable way and something very very big is going to happen. And if doesn't? Well I guess I'll just go live in the desert.

In terms of what I'd like to learn next? How does the Chinese Calendar work? Cause I have no goddamn idea.

Till next time, when we actually will talk about Daoism

Don't know who Terrence Mekanna is? Good! You're much happier.

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