Sunday, February 26, 2012

Catching Fire: Political Unrest and Oppression in Tibet

I think those two photos sum it up best. Tibet is burning and tensions are beginning to mount. According to the BBC currently 21 monks have set themselves on fire in the past few months in protest of myriad of issues concerning Tibetian Chinese relations, but, in this situation at least, there are two of cardinal importance. As I mentioned last time the recent restrictions in the area around Tibet 'proper' has sparked this second wave of protest, but what are the restrictions? Well that's the second point many of the monks, nuns, and Tibetans in general feel that China is deeply restricting their freedom of expression, religion, speech, and movement.  China's response to these claims? 

Notice the fire extiquisher 

There are dozens of photos and this post could could become a photo journal from here on out, but that would miss the point. China is cracking down hard against the Tibetians labeling them separatists and terrorists and they will continue to do so until their goal of security is reached. Regardless of who you think is right in this situation people are being beaten, restricted, watched, and (perhaps most importantly) dying by their own hand or otherwise. And China's actions aren't helping. But then again China has dealt with religious protests similar to this before and in a similar manner I might add. 

Each time China has successfully put down the protests and, for the most part, managed to eradicate the memory of what happened from the public's mind. So, in many ways, this crackdown makes a lot of sense it worked before so it will work again, at least that's what the Chinese government is banking on. And while a large part of me if fearful that this will be a replay of what's gone before part of me is hopeful for some change.After all if you'll remember Chinese geomancers did predict that several Party officials would wind up behind bars by years end.

Take away questions? Well this time I guess I'm very interested to see how this situation develops and I'll be watching it as closely as I can in the days and weeks to come.

In loving memory of the dead, may you find what you seek:

Further Reading:

A good profile of Lama Sobha (one of the first to light themselves on fire) warning the article contains graphic images of his body:

Articles mentioned
Video courtesy of the Guardian 

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